Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vision or Experience?

One of the things I've noticed, and one of our biggest challenges as an agency, is the difference between vision and experience. A lot of client cultures look to validate strategic and creative decisions with experience. Have you done that before or do you have any case studies that demonstrates what you propose? It's easy to understand the desire to minimize risk. But it also punishes forward thinking agencies.

Yes, we have plenty of great case studies for great clients but our frustration is that because we push to think new and differently, we're often ahead of the execution and the resulting case studies. Patience is a virtue...but not while waiting for validation. The consumer world is changing and moving rapidly and so are we. We're adapting by creating or changing our creative processes for greater efficiencies and to take advantage of what is new in the world of consumer marketing. And there's something new every second.

The challenge is to identify clients who will choose to work with us for our vision and leadership and not worry about the potential clients out there who require validation through experience. Not that either is bad, we've just chosen the vision path and have become comfortable that it will work differently than traditional agency models. We want the early adopters and the future casters who relish being first.

I prefer the model where vision gives you new and different experience.

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